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Hayes Cottage Repairs

Damage to Sitting Area

Damage to Sitting Area

Damage to Bedroom

Damage to Bedroom

Unfortunately, the Hayes Cottage has seen some damage due to a termite infestation.  Our maintenance crew here at Beauvoir has been amazing in their restoration of the porch of the Hayes Cottage, but some spots still need tending to.  We are in need of repair to the hardwood floor in the living room and bedroom to keep that area usable as a guest cottage and dressing room for weddings.  

The Hayes Cottage, as it stands today, is a replica of the original Margaret Davis Hayes Cottage that was used as a guest cottage over the course of the ownerships of James Brown, Sarah Dorsey and Jefferson Davis.  It is known as the Hayes Cottage in memory of Margaret Davis Hayes, the eldest daughter of Jefferson and Varina Davis.  Margaret and her family were regular visitors to Beauvoir while Jefferson and Varina resided here.  

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